A step, a leap

January 15, 2008 at 2:18 pm (Uncategorized)

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I take my first step into reality, it seems. I’ve been living my life half asleep. But now the sleeper wakes, bit by bit. He moves and stretches parts of him he seems to have forgotten, or never knew existed. And they pain him, but he has to wake.

A big thank you to everyone who cared enough to say something, to everyone who wished me well. My relatives, my friends, my nearest and dearest.  A special one goes out to the one who waited for me to arrive. Through the many ups and downs, the disappointments, the loneliness, you still waited. Thank you.

Well, so long. Friends, you may see my back turned towards you as I make my way forward, but it is only because I have to see my way forward. My heart is with you all. For the times spent, the memories, for the lessons you have taught, here’s to you, my friends.

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